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Q: What roles did leaders and ordinary citizens play during the Montgomery?
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No, the vast majority of citizens believe it did an excellent job.

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When city officials pressured local insurance agents to drop coverage for African-Americans' taxis and vehicles used for carpools during the Montgomery bus boycott, the boycott leaders arranged insurance coverage through Lloyd's of London, a British insurance company.

How were europeans peasants affected during the enlightement?

one of the biggest results was the movement towards secularism.As enlightenment thinkers such as voltaire began to question the authority of the church,so too did ordinary citizens

British general during ww2 called monty?

Bernard Montgomery

British general called monty during World War 2?

Bernard Montgomery

Who were the leaders during romes decline?

The leaders of the Roman empire during its decline were the emperors.

Who were the 1940's political leaders?

Harry truman Isenhower Churchill are some leaders your mom

How did ordinary people live during the wars of scottish independence?

The ordinary people lived as peasants during the wars of Scottish independence.

Who was the British General called Monty during world war 2?

Bernard Montgomery