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Q: What roman reformer was clubbed to death setting a terrible precedence of violence?
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When Gandhi is called Father or Rashtrapita of the Nation who deserves to be called as Grandfather or Rashtrapitamah of the Nation?

The same question has been asked in many different ways and has been well answered by different contributors. They all should be clubbed and placed.Swami Dayanand deserves indeed to be called Rashtrapitamah of the Nation.

Which people in the Roman Republic were probably most interested in seeing the Gracchus brothers died?

It was the senators and the patricians who hired the thugs who clubbed to death Tiberius and 300 of his supporters. It was the same people who hired Cretan mercenaries to shoot into the crowd of supporters of Gaius and the people who chased him, which led to him committing suicide.

Who led Texan forces in the surprise attack on the Mexican army?

General Sam Houston at the Battle of San Jacinto, although it was more of a slaughter than a battle. The Mexicans were caught completely by surprise and surrendered in a matter of minutes. Most of the Mexicans killed were either stabbed or clubbed rather than shot by the Texans, as vengeance for the Alamo and Goliad.

How long does it to kill Jews in the Holocaust gas chamber?

Usually it took a few minutes from the time the gas was released until the people in the chamber died. The smallest and weakest would die first, and the healthiest would die last; there were even very rare cases where someone might survive the gas chamber, these were either clubbed or shot when found.

Why is King Tutankhamun is remembered?

Because he reopened the temples that akhenaten, his father, ruined. Also, people pitied him because he was a cripple, he had malaria, he had a clubbed foot, and he had a cleft lip.