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Q: What ruler did the Byzantine Empire reconquer large areas of the Western Roman Empire?
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Who was the powerful byzantine emperor who ruled with his wife Theodora and tried to reconquer the western roman empire?

Justinian I.

What did historians call the western roman empire?

They called in the Western Roman empire. The only change of any of the roman empires was in the eastern roman empire. The eastern roman empire changed into the Byzantine Empire

What empire came before the byzantine empire?

The Eastern Roman Empire. It became the Byzantine empire after the collapse of the Western Roman Empire.

WHO WAS Most famous emperor who tried to reconquer the western roman empire?


Which Roman era lasted the longest the Roman monarchy the Roman Republic the Western Roman Empire or the Byzantine Empire?

The Byzantine Empire lasted for a millennium.

What extent was the Byzantine Empire a continuation of the Roman Empire?

Yes. the Byzantine empire is just another name for the Roman empire when it was headquartered in the east. The citizens there considered themselves Romans and lived under Roman law and Roman customs.

Way in which the eastern byzantine was diffrent from the weastern byzantine empire?

There is no such thing as a western Byzantine Empire, only an east (Byzantine) and west Roman Empire.

What became the roman empire after it was divided into two parts?

The Western Roman Empire and the Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Empire.

Did the Byzantine Empire crumble before the Roman Empire?

After the fall of the Western Roman Empire, Constantine I founded the Byzantine Empire, or the Eastern Roman Empire, on the shores on the Bosporus, in the city of Byzantium, which He renamed Constantinople after himself, in the year of 327 AD .

Which reign did the byzantine empire recapture?

Italy Parts of the western Roman Empire <--apex Africa

Do you agree or disagree with the characterization of Justinian as a new Caesar and why?

Justinian I was East Roman (Byzantine) Emperor from 527 to 565. During his reign, Justinian sought to revive the empire's greatness and reconquer the lost western half of the classical Roman Empire. He could characterized as a new Caesar.

What did the eastern portion of the roman empire became known as?

It was known, while it existed, simply as the Roman Empire. In order to distinguish it from the Western Roman Empire, historians have taken to calling it the Byzantine Empire. This name refers to Byzantium, which was the original name of the city of Constantinople, the Eastern Roman Empire's capitol.