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Q: What s the effect of kafka's matter of fact assertion of the bizarre incidents with which the story begins?
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What is the definition of the word plot when relating to a story?

Aristotle defines plot as "the arrangement of the incidents [action, episodes, scenes] according to cause and effect."

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B. They increased maritime incidents of seizure and impressment.

What effect did the British naval actions against France beginning in 1807 have American shipping?

B. They increased maritime incidents of seizure and impressment.

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The cause is the water boiling. The effect is the kettle whistling.

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product is created for creating a positive resultFaulty cause and effect propaganda is when no logical cause is given or known for the effectExample: Brand "X" toothpaste whitens teeth the best.this example has nothing to prove that the toothpaste really does whiten teeth. The company just state something that may or may not be true so costumers can buy their products.

Prove that a group of order 5 must be cyclic?

There's a theorem to the effect that every group of prime order is cyclic. Since 5 is prime, the assertion in the question follows from the said theorem.

How do you identify the plot?

The plot is just what happens in the story. Tell someone what happened in the story and you have the plot. Aristotle says that plot is "the arrangement of the incidents" according to cause and effect.

What means how or why something happens?

A "cause" means why or how something happens. It is a commonly held and scientifically evidenced assertion that, if not all, certainly most things happen due to a cause. This is known as the principle of "cause and effect".

Can marijuana cause bizarre behavior?

no, well i think not me as a teenager overcoming marijuana can hasn't had that effect on me yet