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Q: What s the name of the tactical logistics portion of the Armt erp solution?
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What did thr roman armt wear on their feet in winter?

The caligae (singular caliga) the hobnailed military boots with a heavy soil of the Roman soldiers, were open and resembled sandals. This was done to air the feet and reduce the likelihood of blisters and problems such as athlete's foot which could occur with long marches. However, in colder climes the soldiers wore closed boots. This was for protection from both cold and damp. Some of the areas in the colder zones were Roman soldiers were stationed were waterlogged. Soldiers also wore socks (udones) when it was cold. They were made in two ways, either by cutting them from fabric and stitching them together or by the sprang work method. Roman closed boots and heavy socks have been found near Hadrian's Wall.

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