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Q: What safety feature who is design into what safety feature who is design into a PW what safety feature was designed into PWC fuel tanks?
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What safety feature what designed into pwc fuel tanks?

The safety feature that was designed into PWC fuel tanks was to leave space for the fuel to expand.

How are pwcs fuel tanks designed for safety?

They are designed to leave space for fuel to expand.

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A plastic tank designed for use with live fish will be perfectly safe. Aside from safety, plastic tanks differ from glass tanks in their durability (generally greater) and their clarity (generally less). Yes they are. Make sure to buy the tank new because older tanks can have problems with leaks.

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What is naval architecture?

A designer of warships. However, he might use his skills to design other things as well. The very first tanks used in war, which was WWI, were designed by British naval architects. Which is why today, modern tanks still use the same terminology as warships: Hull, bow, back deck, turrets, sponson boxes, and sometimes port/starboard and stern. Additionally, when first designed and fielded in WWI, tanks were called LANDSHIPS.

Do all propane tanks have a relief valve?

Propane tanks are required to have a safety relief valve. The relief valve is a safety device on the propane tank to vent excess pressure.