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Q: What same northern neighbor did Korea and Vietnam have?
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How did women served in the armed forces durning the war?

Same as WWI, WWII, Korea, and Vietnam: Nurses & Administration.

What time does the sun rise in Vietnam?

On any particular day, the sun rises in Vietnam at about the same local time that it rises anywhere between Panama City and northern Mexico. That's the same range of latitudes covered by Vietnam.

Examples of absolute and comparative advantage?

Absolute advantage: Vietnam can produce 1000 million tons of rice while South Korea can produce 800 million tons of rice => Vietnam has absolute advantage (since it can produce more than Korea) Comparative advantage: Same example: Vietnam and Korea. To produce 1 more tonnes of rice, Vietnam has to give up producing 3 cars. However, to produce 1 more tonnes of rice, South Korea only have to give up producing 1 cars. => There is a lower opportuniy cost for Korea to produce rice. i.e. South Korea has the comparative advantage.

Why did Korea and Vietnam join the war?

Separate wars, separate dates, separate places, same cause. Both fought against communist aggression; both had different outcomes. Korea:1950-1953 (Allied Victory) Vietnam: 1955-1975 (Communist Victory)

The probability of an armed confrontation between the US and the Soviets after the Vietnam war?

With the exceptions of Korea, the Cuban missile crisis, and Vietnam, the confrontation status between the US and the USSR remained about the same thru-out the Cold War.

How long was a tour of duty in Korea after the Korean War and at the beginning of the Vietnam war?

Korea was a repeat of WWII, using the same equipment and in many cases, the same men; WWII and Korea was only separated by 5 years. Which is one of the reasons Korea is labeled the "forgotten war" was (and is) OVERSHADOWED by WII. As in WWII, Korea was fought by the men for the whole duration. Both Korea and WWII for the US, lasted almost the same amount of time...about 3 yrs (WWII was about 3 1/2 yrs). Vietnam was a bit different, a much lower intensity conflict compared to WWII & Korea; but longer...consequently, the "tour concepts." Which was for the US Army, 12 months.

How did North Korea become a comunnist state?

It evolved from the Soviet occupation zone in northern Korea, in much the same way that communist East Germany evolved from the Soviet occupation zone in eastern Germany.

You the rebublic of Korea and South Korea the same thing?

the republic of Korea and South Korea are the same place, but have 2 names.

What is the thickness for Chinese's Japan's Korea's and Vietnam chopsticks?

About the same size as California's chopsticks; 3/16 inch at the taper, approaching a 1/4 inch at the top.

Comparison from the Korean war and vietnamese war?

1. Korea US/UN victory; Communist enemy stopped. 2. Vietnam; Communist victory. Korea was a remake of WWII; fought with the same weapons (minus the jets); and lasted about the same time...3 yrs. Vietnam was a whole new ball of wax. A whole slew of new weapons and equipment; and it lasted a lot more than 3 yrs.

Is North Korea and South Korea the same or different?

They are two completely separate countries. Although they have attempted to merge into one country, as we saw in the Vietnam Conflict. The North is one of the few last remaining Communtist countries in the world and the South is Capitalist.

What were the similarities between the Vietnam war and the Korean war?

The ONLY real differences between the two wars was: 1. Geography (Korea was on a peninsula; which made things alot easier). 2. Different decades and languages. 3. Korea was LARGELY fought with left over WWII equipment (weapons, M1 Garand rifle as one example). 4. The Korean War was far more intense than Vietnam (higher casualties in a shorter time period). 5. Korea was cold and full of snow; Vietnam was hot and tropical. 6. Communists were stopped in Korea; they won in Vietnam. 7. Korea didn't have the anti-war movement; because it only lasted 3 yrs. Just about the same amount of time as WWII did for the US.