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I believe you're referring to a roux.

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Q: What sauce is made from milk flour and butter?
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What is bechamel sauce and its use?

Bechamel sauce is a variety of white sauce made from a roux of butter and flour, to which hot milk is added.

What is Bechamel sauce?

Bechamel sauce is also known as white sauce. In a pan, you melt some butter. You then mix in some flour to make a paste called a roux. Milk is then added and the roux blended in and brought to a boil. The flour thickens the sauce.

What flour is used to make white sauce?

The flour used in the making of white sauce thickens as it cooks in the milk. Flour is used the thicken a lot of soups, stews, and sauces.

Can you make a fresh cream sauce without white whine?

Yes, you can use chicken broth. A favorite "mother sauce" is béchamel, made with flour, butter, and milk or cream.

How do you cook mornay sauce?

Mornay sauce starts out as a bechamel sauce (a basic roux of flour, milk & butter). Then it is added with a cheese, such as gruyere.

What is bechamal sauce?

A bechamel sauce is a basic white sauce, used as a base for other many other sauces. It is made by whisking a roux (a mixture of butter & flour, that looks a bit like playdough, combined & cooked in a saucepan) with milk. The more milk you add, the thinner the sauce. You can then add things like parsley for a sauce to go on fish, cheese for the topping for lasagne, or mustard, for example. Bechamel is really flexible, and you can play with what you add and experiement - for the basic recipe see: Have fun!

What are two key ingredients in making french sauces?

French Sauces are usually stock or wine reductions with a little cream or butter added at the end.There is also the béchamel sauce, this basic French white sauce is made by stirring milk into a butter-flour roux.

What are cakes made out of?

Flour, sugar, eggs, butter, milk and various flavorings.

Where can you buy ready made bechamel sauce?

Bechamel sauce is the white sauce used in a recipe when you make lasagna, it is made from flour, butter and milk. If you donÃ?t want to make your own you can buy it ready made at any supermarket or food store.

Can vegetarians eat toast with butter?

As long as the vegetarian is ok with drinking milk then yes, butter is made with milk and bread is made with flour.

What is a piece of cheese made of?

Cheese Its are crackers. They are made from flour, butter, and flavorings including some cheese.

Do crepes have to have 2 eggs?

Yes. Crepes are usually made from Flour, eggs, milk and butter.