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Q: What scale is rearely used today?
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What scale is used today to measure earthquakes?


What is the Richter and is still used today?

Yes, however it has been superseded by the Moment Magnitude Scale. Please see the related links.

What are all of the scales for measuring earthquakes?

Moment Magnitude, Ritcher Scale and Mercili Scale.

What are different scales of thermometer?

The scale we use for temperature is "degrees" (°). There are three temperature scales that are used today. The Kelvin (K) scale is used by scientists and for astronomical temperatures. The Celsius scale (°C) is used in most of the world to measure air temperatures. In the United States, the Fahrenheit scale(°F) is used to measure temperatures at or near the surface.

Why us fusion not used to generate electrical power?

Today nuclear fusion is not controlled at industry scale.

Is the centigrade temperature scale still used today?

Yes, centigrade is a synonym for Celcius, which is used in the vast majority of countries around the world. The United States is one of only a handful of countries that retains the Fahrenheidt scale.

Is the modified mercalli scale still used today?

Yes, the Modified Mercalli Intensity (MMI) scale is still used today to measure the intensity of earthquakes based on observed effects on people, buildings, and the environment. It provides a valuable complement to seismic magnitude scales in assessing the impact of earthquakes on society.

What scale is used to describe the strength of an earthquakes?

The scale used to measure the strength of an earthquake is called the Richter scale

When is the fajita scale used?

the Fujita scale (not the fajita scale) is used to tell how powerful a tornado is.

What is a scale and when is it used?

A scale is used to measure a weight of an object

What instrument would you use to measure the mass of a cricket ball?

The instrument to use to measure the mass of a cricket ball is a scale. The balance scale is still used today with gram weights to increase the weight until the scale arms are balanced.