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The last heavenly book revealed to the last prophet of Islamis called the Qur'an.

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Q: What scared book is called Quran?
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Quran book is called book of Old Testament?

No it is not called the book of the old testament. it is the book of the muslims.

What is the jewsh holy book name?

its called the quran

What book is divided into 114 chapters called suras?

The Quran

What is the ilsamic book called?

if you talking about the Islamic book its called the quran and it is a holy book that Muslims read the same as christians read the bible .

Does The Islam religon have a religious book?

Yes it is called The Noble Quran

Muhammads revelations from the angel are compiled in a book called?

The Holy Quran.

Where do you get Quranic Shifa Guidelines?

Quran has been called the book of "Shifa" or healing. There are many guidelines in the Quran to prevent diseases.

Which of these holy book has 114 chapters called 'Surahs'?

The holy book with 114 chapters called "Surahs" is the Quran in Islam.

What is the holy book of the Muslims composed of?

The holy book of Muslims is Quran. Quran text book is composed of 114 chapter (called Surah) constituting 30 part (called Juzaa). Each part is composed of two sub-parts (called Hezb). The subpart (or Hezb) is marked in four fourths. Refer to the related question, listed below, for more information on why Quran was revealed.

Where did the Muslim's sacred book come from?

The Muslims's sacred book is called Quran. Quran is real God words revelation to prophet Muhammad (PBUH) through the angel Gabriel (Jibril).

Is there a world deep in the ocean called Atlantis?

Yes, there is! It's in our holy book, the Quran.

Why is the qu'ran called this?

Because it means book of Allah in Arabic and therefore that is why we call it Quran