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African Diaspora

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Q: What scattering of the captured Africans across the new world called?
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What is it called to go all the way around the world?

If you do it on the earth's surface , across the seas, it is called 'circumnavigate'

Are black people in Africa called African-Africans?

Unlike the touchy Americans, South African Blacks are happy to be called black. White people are called white, people of mixed race are called coloured, SE Asians are called Malay (even if their ancestors came from Indonesia) and South Asian Muslims are happy to be called Indian. Unlike the touchy Americans, South African Blacks are happy to be called black. White people are called white, people of mixed race are called coloured, SE Asians are called Malay (even if their ancestors came from Indonesia) and South Asian Muslims are happy to be called Indian. Mind you, it is common in Nguni languages to double up a name for emphasis, so the national football team is Bafana-Bafana, the Rugby team, Ama boka-boka ( Springboks geddit?) the paraplegic olympic team Ama Kroka-kroka. There are game parks called Mala-Mala and Sabi-Sabi so why not Darkie-Darkie?

What happened on march 16th 1621?

On March 16, 1621, only about 4 months after landing at Plymouth Rock and setting up their new colony in what was then called Plymouth Colony (Now Massachusetts and Maine) the Pilgrims that had traveled across the Atlantic on the Mayflower had their first friendly contact with a Native person.

When and how did the first Australians arrive in Australia?

The Aborigines came to Australia during the ice age, as the sea levels were much lower, and most of the water between Australia and Africa was frozen they simply walked across from Africa. They used makeshift boats for the small area's of water they had to cross.

What did the Bolshevik opponents come to be called?

The Bolsheviks main opponents were called the Mensheviks.

Related questions

What was the forced journey that brought captured Africans to the West Indies?

It was called the Middle Passage . When Africans were carried overseas to the colonies and the West Indies

The scattering of light?

Scattering of light is called dispersion .

The scattering of light by colloids and susoenions is called the?

The scattering of light really is called scattering. If you are referring to a scattered reflection this can be called a diffuse reflection. Are you asking about different types of scattering such as Rayleigh scattering? Rayleigh scattering is an elastic type of scattering most well known for the blue color of the sky.

The scattering of light by colloids is called?

the scattering of light by colloids is known as tyndall effect. it is named after the scientist who discovered it.

What process occurs when light is emitted in directions?

Scattering. The location inside the Earth where an earthquake begins is called the focus.

What is the long voyage across the Atlantic ocean that brought africans to west indies and north America called?

Middle Passage

What is scattering process?

The phenomenon in which particles of the medium deviate light in a lateral direction is called scattering of light.

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What is the scattering of light rays called?

Scattering of white light into its 7 constituent colours(VIBGYOR)is called dispersion of light and the band of 7 colours obtained is called Spectrum. Answer by VASU

The scattering of light waves from an object is called?


What is the word for the scattering of the Jewish population?

It is called the diaspora.

When pigments are mixed the result is called?

its color scattering