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Q: What scene was most interesting in Oliver Twist?
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Who is the most interesting character of Oliver Twist?

Oliver Twist.

How old is the film Oliver twist?

he was 9 at years old in the film of Oliver twist. But the most recent movie was released in 2005

Who was the best character in Oliver Twist?

Although the Artful Dodger is crafty and sly, Fagin is the most interesting characters especially because he sometimes borders on being insane.

Who stars is Oliver Twist?

There are many versions of Charles Dickens' Oliver Twist, both in movies and on TV. The most recent theatrical release was the 2005 version of Oliver Twist starring Barney Clark as Oliver, Ben Kingsley as Fagin and Harry Eden as Artful Dodger.

What are some lead roles in musicals?

lead roles are basically people with the most lines and who are the most important in the story, so in Oliver Twist Oliver Twist is the lead followed by Annie.

What was Charles Dickens most famous books he wrote?

Probably Oliver Twist!

Who directed Oliver Twist?

There have been about 25 'legitimate' productions of Oliver Twist and many that would be considered pastiches or spin-offs. Oliver! the musical was directed in 1998 by Carol Reed, Ronald Saland.

What are three of Charles Dickens's most famous story?

A Christmas Carol, Oliver twist and Little Dorrit

In which book by Charles Dickens does Bill Sykes appear?

Bill Sykes is the master thief in the book Oliver Twist. Bill Sykes appears in Oliver Twist. He's considered one of the darkest and most irredeemable characters in Dickens' oeuvre.

What were Oliver Twist's hobbies?

Oliver Twist's character in the novel by Charles Dickens did not have explicit hobbies mentioned. He spent most of his time trying to survive in the harsh conditions of his environment and navigating the challenges that came with being an orphan in Victorian London.

What key is food glorious food in?

A-minor until key change into C This song - from the hit musical "Oliver", based on the Dickens novel "Oliver Twist"- is set in the orphan work house where the play first begins, this scene is most well known for th einfamous line "Please sir, can i have some more?"

Who wrote the script for 'Oliver' the musical?

Lionel Bart wrote the music for the 1968 movie named Oliver! There was a 1948 movie but it was not a musical. None of the many other Oliver Twist movies were made in 1946.