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Schedule varies from state to state at this time.

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Q: What schedule class is carisoprodol?
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Does carisoprodol thin your blood?

No. This is not a known side effect of carisoprodol (Soma).

Is soma a controlled drug in Michigan?

Yes. Soma, the trade-name for carisoprodol, became a schedule IV (4) controlled substance in Michigan on January 1, 2012. Previously, carisoprodol was not a controlled substance. Prescriptions for drugs scheduled II, III, IV and V are tracked in Michigan's Automated Prescription System (MAPS), which is used to spot potential misuse, abuse and diversion of controlled substances as well as to detect "Doctor shopping." Carisoprodol was raised to CIV (schedule 4) status because it is the prodrug of meprobamate, which is already CIV, and so that prescriptions for it will now be tracked.

What is the difference between schedule and class?

schedule is the thickness of the pipe and class is pressure/temperature rating of a fitting or pipe

Thew drug carisoprodol is mostly used for what purpose?

carisoprodol is a muscle relaxant.

What is naproxeno carisoprodol perscribe for?

Naproxen-carisoprodol is a medication prescribed to relieve pain. This medication is not legal in the United States but is legal in Mexico.

Is Carisoprodol the same as Xanax?

NO, they are not the same! Carisoprodol is a mucle relaxer, and xanax is a benzo!

Can you snort Carisoprodol?


How do you say ''daily class schedule'' in french?

You say daily class schedule in french as horaire quotidien de la classe.

How do you get your Dr to perscribe you carisoprodol when he keeps telling you they are a narcotic when they are not?

As of November 2007, carisoprodol has been taken off the market in Sweden due to problems with dependence and side effects. In the US carisoprodol is considered to be a schedule IV controlled substance by the many states. In the EU, the European Medicines Agency has issued a release recommending that member states suspend marketing authorization for this product. Your doctor is correct in not giving it to you - besides which you should NOT be telling your doctor how to do his/her job - who is qualified you or your doctor.

Is carisoprodol the same as vicodin?

No. Carisoprodol is a mucle relaxant . It's maketed as Soma and a couple other names.

What is the drug schedule class of flumazenil?
