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Nora Rosella Burell Drew taught at Hampton University in Virginia.

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When and where did patricia bath go to elementary school?

Patricia Bath attended Charles R. Drew Elementary School in Harlem, New York in the 1940s.

How do children learn language through cognitive theory?

Children learn language through cognitive theory by actively processing language input using their cognitive abilities, such as memory, attention, and problem-solving skills. They construct mental structures (schemas) to organize language elements and gradually develop complex language skills through interaction with others and exposure to language-rich environments. Cognitive theory emphasizes the importance of children's thinking processes in language acquisition, highlighting their role as active participants in the learning process.

What is the Significance of studying humanities?

Studying humanities helps individuals develop critical thinking, creativity, and empathy, leading to a better understanding of human experiences and cultures. It also fosters communication skills, ethical reasoning, and a broader perspective on societal issues. Overall, the humanities play a crucial role in shaping well-rounded, engaged citizens who can navigate an increasingly complex world.

How do you discipline a 3 year old?

Consistency is key when disciplining a 3-year-old. Set clear boundaries and consequences for misbehavior, and follow through. Use positive reinforcement for good behavior and redirect their attention when needed. Keep explanations simple and be patient as they are still learning and developing self-control.