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There are many universities that offer online degrees including: Boston University, California Coast University, Drexel, DeVry, Lehigh, Northwestern, St. Joeseph's College, and the University of Florida.

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Q: What schools that offer education online have accredited programs?
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Does medical schools accept online degrees?

With the increase in the online schools and still growing demand of online degree programs, it has become one of the most prominent degree programs. online Degrees issued by the accredited online schools are accepted by all the accredited medical schools. to search for the online accredeted medical schools and other related online schools, it is better to search through online resources offering details about online schools providing online degrees with a competitive online education of a higher quality.

How many ABA-accredited online law school programs are there?

There are multiple ABA-accredited online law schools available. There are over ten programs available.

Can you get a job with a online degree?

Online degrees are similar to the campus based degrees. It has the similar criterion and basics as of the Campus degree programs. Accredited online schools are equally credible as the accredited Campus schools. the same Online degrees and better Quality of online education are offered at online schools as compared to the campus schools. Thus they have a better chances to be preferred over the campus schools by the employers.

Are there fast pace online master of education programs?

Yes several accredited online colleges do offer accelerated programs in education (master degree in education).

Is it hard to get a job with an accredited online degree?

Online degree programs are similar as of the campus degree programs. All the basic requirements for studying are fulfilled equally by the online schools as of the campus schools. the online schools in US offer the top quality online education and offer a complete range of online degrees which are similar to the degrees offered by the campus schools. the online schools are similarly accredeted by the acreditation authorities as are the campus schools hence there is no major difference in the two. the quality of online education at online schools is considered to be better because of continuous monitoring and observation. to get complete details about Online Schools there exist multiple sites which are offering details of online schools, online degrees and the quality of online education offered in those degree programs

Is stenford online high school accredited?

Online schools have to be accredited in order to be recognized and Stenford looks like an accredited online school offering high school diploma programs.

Who makes software for Christian-focused homeschool education?

A Beka Books makes software programs for homeschool education. There are also several accredited Christian schools where your child can take their courses online.

What are opinions on nation high school?

First of all you need to collect the information about how online education works. There are different programs offered by different schools and universities. Nation high school is an accredited school. All private schools and all universities and colleges need to be accredited. If they are not then you can say that they are probably illegal. However it is safe to first inquire them about their accreditation status before assuming anything.All I know about Online Education is that all the schools which are claim to be providers of education online need to be accredited since its their accredited body that assures users like us that the School/University is not fake or a rip off. I visited NHS website and they are accredited.

Where can I find a list of accredited online paralegal schools?

There are several sites online such as that offer accredited, online paralegal programs. The best way to know if your selected program is fully accredited is to check with the ABA.

What online schools have programs to study special education?

The online program at Western Governor's University is accredited and is relatively cheap. You can take as many classes as you want for only $3,000 per term or $6,000 a year.

Are accredited online schools as good as regular schools?

Accredited online schools are just as good as regular schools. It is not common for students of accredited online schools to graduate and be offered jobs in the workfield right after.

Is lorenz online high schooldiploma test legtimate by board of education?

Online schools need to be accredited to reward high school diploma or any other educational credentials. Lorenz is an accredited school and accredited diplomas are recognized by board of education.