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Q: What science project can you do that is changing something?
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What is a producer in a science fair project?

it something to do with a science project

What is a science project that has to do with science?

Something like planets or germs or a scientist do something you like about science!

What is a control in a science project?

it is the something that stays the same in an experimentor something that is repeated in the project.

Something to do for a science project?

Try out this website for over 500 different ideas for a science project:

What do controls and variables mean in a science project?

A control is something you cannot or will not change. A variable is something that can be changed or will be changing. Example: We cannot change our sex... either male or female. We cannot change the country where we were born.

What is a good 6th grade science fair project?

I did a science fair project too. I won. Anyway... If you are doing a project, you want to rove something, not just do a demonstration because that is NOT what they are looking for. I would do something that you are capable of doing and if you don't know what to do . Then, do something like wind energy or robots and maybe you could win your science fair project.

What would be a really cool science project?

Something about bacteria.

What is synthesis in a science fair project?

Synthesis is creation. To synthesize something is to make something.

What is a good Skateboared related science project?

the science of doing a kickflip or a pop shuvit or something

How do you write the discussion to a science fair project?

go do something else

What is the reflection part of your your science fair project?

your look back at something

What are the characteristics of science investigatory project title?

"Make something out ofnothing"