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Invention of the electron microscope

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4d ago

The development of electron microscopy and molecular sequencing techniques allowed taxonomists to establish the Monera and Protista kingdoms by providing more detailed information about the cellular structures and genetic relationships of organisms in these groups. This enabled scientists to classify diverse microorganisms based on their unique characteristics and evolutionary history.

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Q: What scientific development allowed taxonomists to establish the Monera and Protista kingdoms?
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What is the scientific name for kingdom protista?

The scientific name for kingdom Protista is Protoctista.

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Algae is a diverse group of photosynthetic organisms that belong to the kingdom Protista. They can be further classified into different divisions based on features like pigmentation, cell wall composition, and habitat.

What is the scientific name for protists?

The scientific name for a protist is the kingdom name Protista. This, however, is the kingdom classification and since there are many kinds of protists, there are also many names. :D

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There are six kingdoms of scientific classification: Plantae, Animalia, Archaebacteria, Protista, Eubacteria and Fungi. Algae belong to the Kingdom Protista.

How many kingdoms are recognized by the scientific community?

There are five kingdoms recognized by the scientific community: Monera, Protista, Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia

What are all the scientific kingdoms?

The scientific classification system recognizes 6 kingdoms: Animalia (animals), Plantae (plants), Fungi (fungi), Protista (protists), Archaea, and Bacteria (monera). Each kingdom represents a broad group of organisms with similar characteristics.

How are protista classified?

Protista is a kingdom within the eukaryotic domain. However, the kingdom is recognized to be paraphyletic: it is not defined as an ancestor and all its descendants, but includes a wide variety of organisms of which the exact relationship to the eukaryotic domain is not determined. Genetic assays are now being applied to redefine the various clades in Protista and establish their relationships.

What are the 6 kingdoms and their scientific names?

In the six-kingdom system, they are: Animalia, Plantae, Fungi, Protista, Archaea, Bacteria.

Scientific name of kingdom protista?

A protist is a cell. It is like bacteria. Also protist is living.It is most likely being used in an ecosystem.Answer:A classification group into which are placed all organisms other than the prokaryotes, plants, fungi and animals.A protist had NOTHING to do with bacteria, they are in different groups in the five kindoms, many protists are single celled, although there are many protists that are multicellular or colonial.

Do protista have a flagella?

Yes, protista do have flagella.