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Q: What scientist and researchers influence Charles Darwin?
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Foreign scientist inventor of Charles Darwin?

charles darwin

What scientist is most often associated with the theory of evolution?

Charles Darwin

What kind of scientist is Darwin?

Charles Darwin was a geologist by training

How did Charles Darwin have in impact on the world?

Charles Darwin was the British scientist who created the theory of evolution.

How did Charles Darwin earn a living?

Charles Darwin was a Naturalist; which was a scientist who specialized in the study of Nature.

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Charles Darwin

What was Charles Darwin known as?

Darwin is the father of evolution. He was a scientist. He was also a writer.

Where was Charles Darwin living?

Charles Darwin was born in Shrewsbury. He was a English scientist. He lived in the family home, The Mount.

The work of which scientist caused controversy that still exists today-?

Darwin was the scientist that caused controversy that still exists today.

What kind of scientist is Charles Darwin?

a scientist who believed in the big bang theory

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Charles Darwin

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being a scientist