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Aubrey Graham and Sean Anderson

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Q: What scientists work did Einstein use to study photons?
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albert Einstein

Did newton work with other scientists?

No one knows for sure but he definately did not work with Albert Einstein.

Where did Albert Einstein experiment study and work?

in a lab <33

What type of science did Albert Einstein study or work in?

i just farted

What is Einstein photoelectric effect?

Einstein's photoelectric effect work found that the incident light involved in the photoelectric effect was made of individual quanta (photons) that interacted with the metal's electrons like discrete particles, not waves.

Which scientists have based their theories on the work of Albert Einstein?

With respect to your question - in Physics and related fields, you would do better to ask which scientists have not been influenced by Einstein. I can think of none. Dr Marcus Pfeiffer, Oxford, England.

Who did Albert Einstein work with?

Albert Einstein worked with a large number of scientists including Robert Oppenheimer and Edward Teller. He also worked with John Manley on the Manhattan Project.

Which scientists work was based on the study of inherited characteristics?

Genetics is the study of inherited characteristics Geneticists study genes and DNA. Scientists who study genes may soon be able to prevent inherited diseases. .

Did albert einstein work with any other scientists?

My opinion and it is just a theory is that he had a helping hand to invent the refrigerator-unknown

How did other scientists build on Albert Einstein's research?

Science advances both on the theoretical and the experimental fronts. For example, Einstein worked out the mathematical basis for a laser, but never built one. Other scientists built one. Einstein's theoretical work on black holes was further extended by Stephen Hawking. And so forth.

How was albert Einstein and Michael Faraday work similar?

cause they were both scientists no.1 and no2 they both studied the same thing

Did newton work with Einstein?

no Newton did not work with Einstein