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Satan (before his downfall - King of Tyre before his demotion to Prince) was cast out of Heaven in Ezekiel 28:16-17. Lord Jesus bears witness in Luke 10:18.

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Q: What scripture in King James Bible is Lucifer kicked out of heaven?
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Worship leader kicked out of heaven because of pride?

The Bible does not mention a worship leader being kicked out of heaven because of pride. The story of Lucifer, who rebelled against God due to his pride and was cast out of heaven, is often associated with this concept. Lucifer was not a worship leader but an angel who desired to be like God.

Who is Lucifer's Child in The Bible?

Angels (demons) do not procreate; they do not have children. They were created. So, Lucifer has no children. Certainly none noted in scripture.

Where can you find the story about Lucifer in the Bible?

The story of Lucifer's rebellion and fall from heaven can be found in the book of Isaiah (Isaiah 14:12-15) and the book of Ezekiel (Ezekiel 28:12-17) in the Bible. Both of these passages are often interpreted as describing the origin and fall of Lucifer, who is associated with Satan in Christian tradition.

What verse of the bible tells the story of Lucifer wanting to force us to do his will to get us to heaven?

all is fair

What scripture is in the bible saying that no one goes to heaven until jesus returns?

there is no scripture in the bible that says that. when you die if you have made Jesus lord of your life, you will go to heaven and live eternally with him. if not, you go to eternal suffering in hell.

What book of the Bible can you find the names of the fallen angles?

The only mention of any name is that of Lucifer and it is mentioned in Isaiah 14:12 "How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer."

When did Adam and Eve get kicked out of heaven?

The bible does not record anything about Adam or Eve ever entering heaven. They were however banished from the Garden of Eden.

Is gangster a part of the devil?

No gangsters are not a part of the devil. Gangsters are just people who think that they are cooler than others and act like hot shots. The devil is an angel that is named Lucifer. The bible tells us that He was a good angel once until he wanted to rule heaven and be like God. God then kicked him out of heaven and he became the devil who rules the earth but will never rule heaven.

Why does God want us to remain low-lifes and only acknowledge Him as powerful?

Beacause God created us! if you read in the Bible when the angel lucifer tried to become all powerfull he got kicked out of heaven. God loves us and only wants our love and obedience!

Where does the word lucifer appear in the bible?

Isa:14:12: How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!

If angels had free will where in the bible does it says that?

The Bible does not directly say that angels have the will to choose for themselves, but without free will, how could Lucifer and a third of the angels rebel against God and heaven

Can angels sin?

Yes, the Bible gives several accounts of angels sinning, i.e. Lucifer and his fall from Heaven because of his pride and greed.