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Epithelial cells in pancreatic ducts are the source of the bicarbonate and water. These cells secrete bicarbonate to balance the body's ph.

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Q: What secretes bicarbonate?
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What organ secretes sodium bicarbonate into the duodenum to neutralize chyme?


What base would you add to chyme?

The pancreas secretes bicarbonate (HCO3-) to the chyme in the duodenum to neutralize it.

What is the pancreases function in digestion?

it secretes digestive enzymes that are important to the digestion of carbohydrates, fats(lipids), anf proteins. it also secretes a alkaline based juiced that is filled with a bicarbonate.

What are the substances that neutralize HCL in the small intestine?

the liver secretes bile and pancreas secretes bicarbonate into the duodenum and brings the pH of duodenum up to around 5 and 6 range

Body organ which produced sodium bicarbonate?

The pancreas secretes sodium bicarbonate if it's healthy and working correctly


amylase and lipase....majority is exocrine with tiny endocrine pockets....also secretes an alkaline solution of bicarbonate into duodenum....

What gland of the endocrine system secretes bicarbonate which neutralizes stomach acid into the small intestine?

The duodenum has special glands, Brunner's glands, that secrete an alkaline fluid to counteract the acidity of the chyme from the stomach which uses hydrochloric acid as part of its digestion of proteins.

What is the role of bicarbonate ions in the pancreas?

The pancreas secretes bicarbonate in order to neutralize the highly acidic chyme (dissolved/digested food) coming from the stomach.

The pancreas secretes what?

insulin it also secretes enzymes, for digestion, and aqueous bicarbonate to neutralize acids. you can go to the answer for "what does pancreas secrete?" for more in depth info. Mainly pancreas secrete pancreatic juices that contains enzyme which is used speed up the chemical reaction taking place.

What organ secretes buffers needed to neutralize the acidity of chyme and also secretes digestive enzymes?

Cells that line the stomach produce gastric acids. The other cells found in the stomach are also the ones that produce a fluid called a bicarbonate, which is a base, to neutralize stomach acid.