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Mrs Zamora tells him to put up whirligigs as his punishment

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The judge sentences Brent Bishop in the book "Whirligig", by Paul Fleischman, to create and place four whirligigs in different locations across the country as a form of restitution for the fatal car accident he caused.

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Q: What sentence does the judge give brent in whirligig?
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Can you give a sentence with the phrase slap on the wrist?

After causing a minor disruption in class, the student received only a slap on the wrist from the teacher.

What punishment did portia impose shylock?

None. She was not the judge (although she is called a "judge" by the Duke, who is the real judge) and did not have the power to sentence Shylock. She did, however, advise the court that in her view Shylock fell under a statute which imposed a sentence of death or such lesser sentence as the court might see fit on an "alien" who made an attempt on the life of a citizen of Venice.

How many nouns are in the following sentence' Give me liberty or give me death?

There are three nouns in the sentence "Give me liberty or give me death." The nouns are liberty, death, and me.

Can a judge give you a longer sentence than you plea bargained for because of something they find in the presentence investigation?

Yes, a judge can impose a longer sentence based on what is found in the presentence investigation report if the information reveals new facts or circumstances that were not previously considered during the plea bargaining process. The judge has discretion to consider all relevant information before finalizing the sentencing decision.

Can the British Home Secretary give someone a life sentence?

No, the British Home Secretary does not have the authority to give someone a life sentence. Sentencing decisions are made by judges in court based on the evidence presented and the severity of the crime committed.

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The judge will condemn him to prison for his crimes.

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It depends on the sentence give to you by a judge.

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There are guidelines that the judge must follow; there is probably a maximum amount of time allowed.

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Yes, you can have the sentence changed by the judge that gave it to you. However, it's not free. You usually have to give evidence against yourself or someone else, to get the judge to want to change your sentence.

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The judge had a virulent criticism after his affair with the intern.

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The Judge's ruling was a fair judgement.

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If you are nonchalant instead of remorseful, the judge will give you a very strict prison sentence.

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A judge investigated her conduct and she was subsequently jailed.

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Judge, please show him mercy.

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