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Q: What service did the west African rulers provide to encorage trade?
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Why did the rulers of African sale there own people into slaves?

bc they exchanges them for gold,guns and other goods.

Why did most African rulers agree with the europeans taking African slaves?

they didn't, they were kidnapped

What are two of the female African rulers?

Nzinga and Dahia al-Kahina

How did Sonni Ali of Songhai differ from most other West African rulers?

Sonni Ali Of Songhai was differ from most other West African rulers because he did not adopt Islam but, he was a follower of Islam.

What are the names of two female African rulers?

Nzinga and Dahia al-Kahina

What are the two female African rulers names?

Nzinga and Dahia al-Kahina

What are the two names of the two African rulers?

Nzinga and Dahia al-Kahina

Why would African rulers sell their own people into slavery?

African rulers may have engaged in the slave trade for various reasons, including to gain wealth and power through trade with European countries, to eliminate rival tribes, or due to coercion by European slave traders. Additionally, the demand for slaves from the Americas created economic incentives for African rulers to participate in the trade.

Why do you think African rulers played a role by contributing to the development of the Atlantic slaves trade?

Typically slaves were prisoners of war that were captured in an attempt for a tribe to gain more territory. African rulers then sold these slaves to Europeans and others.

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they traded gold and salt

Some african nations have mantained close relationships with their former colonial rulers primarily because?

Some African nations have maintained close relationships with their former colonial rulers primarily because economic and cultural ties remain strong.

What tasks did the African rulers perform in exchange for loyalty from their people?

What tasks did African rulers perform in exchange for loyalty from their people? They did the merchants favors. King won loyalty of subjects by giving gold, property, and horses. What were the beliefs of the Ashanti people?