

What sets idioms apart from slang?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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An idiom is a phrase that seems to mean one thing, but actually means something totally different. When you first see or hear an idiom, you THINK you understand it.

Slang is a word or short phrase that makes no sense unless you know what it means. Slang is usually used to KEEP people from knowing what your special group is talking about.


Blood is thicker than water my friend.
I really bought a lemon last weekend.
Stop taking the mick.
Are you wadded up?

Can you tell that the first two are idioms and the last two are slang? You cannot tell what the last two mean unless you understand the local slang terms. The first two SEEM like logical statements - blood is pretty thick, and people do buy fruit.

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Are idioms used all around the world?

Yes, every language has slang and idioms.

Who came up with the ideas of idioms?

Nobody. Idioms and slang evolve naturally as people talk.

Where were idioms first used?

Wherever people lived -- people have always used idioms and slang.

Where can you find Russian idioms and slang?

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Does hit the ball in speaking with idioms or slang make sense?

Not as slang or idioms, no. It just means to strike a ball, either with a bat, a stick, a racquet, or some part of your body.

When were idioms first developed in England?

When the English language developed. People have always used idioms and slang in their speech.

Are idioms improper in certain oocasions and why?

Idioms and slang are informal language, and should probably be avoided in business situations.

What are some slang terms or idioms for 'sick'?

feeling under the weather

Why are idioms used in writing?

Real people use idioms and slang, so writers use them to make their characters more believable.

What are some idioms that are used in your environment?

You will have to answer this question yourself. Every environment has its own idioms and slang terms, and we don't know what part of the world you live in.

How are idioms similar to slang?

Idioms and slang are both informal language expressions that are not typically found in formal writing or speech. They both add color and flavor to language, often conveying cultural nuances and creating a sense of belonging among speakers who understand them. Additionally, both idioms and slang can be difficult for non-native speakers to grasp due to their informal and context-dependent nature.

What does it mean if a person uses idioms?

It doesn't mean anything except the fact that they are speaking their language. All languages have slang and idioms. It means that they are using saying from their dialect.