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Q: What settlements were established by European explorers around the world?
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What Settlements establish by European explorers around the world?


When did European explorers arrive in the central plains where the Sioux people live?

European explorers arrived in the central plains where the Sioux people live in the early 18th century, around the 1700s. They were primarily French and Spanish explorers who interacted with the Sioux tribes as they expanded their territories and established trade relations.

Where did explorers settle?

Explorers settled in various locations around the world, including the Americas, Africa, Asia, and Australia. They established colonies, trading posts, and missionary outposts in these new lands as they sought to expand their empires and exploit new resources. Some famous settlements include the Spanish settlements in the Americas, the Dutch trading posts in Asia, and the British colonies in Australia.

First European nation to send explorers around the west coast of Africa?

First European nation to send explorers around the west coast of africa? He does that to every question he see's^ But the answer is: The Portuguese.

What was the first European language spoken in the us?

The first European language spoken in what is now the United States was likely Old Norse, spoken by Norse explorers around the year 1000 in areas such as Newfoundland. However, the first lasting European settlement, where a European language was established, was Spanish in St. Augustine, Florida, in 1565.

What did the Portuguese do?

The Portuguese were known for their maritime exploration and established trade routes around Africa, Asia, and the Americas. They were the first European power to reach India by sea, and also colonized territories in Brazil, Africa, and Asia. Additionally, they played a significant role in the Age of Discovery and helped expand European influence around the world.

Who were some of the explorers that went to Portugal?

Being a European country, you cant say Portugal was discovered by explorers in the conventional sense. Ofcourse the human species didnt evolve around it, but the explorers is a concept that tracks to the XVIth century, by which time Portugal had been well established. The Romans for instance conquered that territory, but you cant say they discovered it. It did however send explorers to Asia, Africa, Oceania and the American continent.

First European nation to send explorers around west coast of Africa?

Portugal (The Portuguese)

Where Romans people lived?

The Romans lived in the city of Rome and in Roman colonies (settlements) established around the Roman Empire.

What is the second oldest European capital?

The second oldest European capital is Athens, Greece, established around 3000 BC.

Is it true or false that Vasco da Gama and Bartolomeu Dias were early European explorers who sailed around Africa?

Yes, they were European explorers who were the first to round the Cape of Good Hope. Dias did first, but then his crew forced him to return. Vasco da Gama was the first to reach India by sailing around Africa.

What was the name of the first Mormon colony in the Midwest?

There were several Mormon settlements throughout the midwest, it is difficult to determine which might have been first because they were largely settled around the same time. After leaving Kirtland, Ohio, major settlements were established in Independence, Missouri and Nauvoo, Illinois. Smaller settlements were located in the areas around these cities.