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The ovum contains 22 autosomes and one X chromosome. Therefore, the mothers contribution is the X chromosome.

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11y ago

The X chromosome. Men can contribute an X or Y, but women have only X's

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8y ago

It depends on which are dominant and which are recessive. If the gene of your mother is dominant for hair color, for example, you will receive that trait from your mother.

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Q: What sex chromosome is donated by the mother?
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How do you determine to give birth to a male?

You cannot control the sex of a fetus through determination alone. The mother donates an X chromosome via her egg. The sperm donated by the male partner, which can contain an X or Y chromosome, determines the sex of a baby depending on whether their sperm is carrying an X or Y chromosome. An X chromosome combines with the mother's X chromosome to make a baby girl (XX) and a Y chromosome will combine with the mother's to make a boy (XY).

What are the x and y chromazones?

The Y chromosome is the male sex chromosome, but males also carry a X chromosome from their mother. XY. The female sex chromosome is the Y chromosome; YY is female. ( generally, as sex chromosome number in both sexes can vary )

How do chromosomes determine an individual's sex?

The female- or male- ness of the fertilized Ovum [Zygote] depends upon the X, or Y, 'component' of Chromosome Number 23 [the sex-chromosome] that is donated from the Male. All of the Female Chromosome Numbers 23 ARE XX.

What is X-linked and Y-linked inheritance?

These are traits that are linked to the sex chromosomes. Only males can get Y-linked traits because only males have a Y chromosome. (Note: it's a bit more complicated that even this explanatin, but this is the general idea) If the father has the X-linked trait he can only pass it down to daughters. If the mother has the trait, the daughter might not have the trait because the father's donated X-chromosome might have a gene that masks it. If a son gets donated an X-chromosome from the mother with the trait, he will definitely show the trait.

What sex chromosome is present in all humans?

There are two sex chromosomes: the X chromosome and the Y chromosome. During fertilization, the mother always gives an X chromosome and the father gives either another X chromosome or a Y chromosome. Therefore, all humans have at least one X chromosome.

What is the sex determiner?

Sex is determined by the 23rd pair of chromosomes (in humans). You get an X chromosome from your mother and an X or Y chromosome from your father. If you are XX, you are female. If you are XY, you are male.

What are chromosomes that determine the sex of a child?

There are two kinds of sex chromosome X and Y that result in two different sex types: XX in females and XY in males. A child will always get a X chromosome from their mother, but the sex depends on which chromosome the male gives, which is completely random, you could get the X chromosome making you female or you could get the Y chromosome making you male.

What is the chance an X chromosome is inherited from a mother?

A female has the sex chromosomes XX. Therefore they will always pass an X chromosome on to their children.

Why does a sex-linked trait only require one recessive allele on the X chromosome of a male to show the phenotype?

because the male only inherits one X chromosome (from his mother), his other sex chromosome is Y (from his father)

Why can only females be carriers of sex-linked genetics disorders?

This is not an entirely accurate statement, but it is generally true. It happens because sex-linked genes are located on the X chromosome only. Males have only one X chromosome (XY) and the corresponding Y chromosome from their fathers do not have genes for sex-linked traits, including color vision and proper blood clotting. If a mother has normal color vision but carries a gene for color blindness on her other X chromosome, her genotype is Cc. If she has a daughter and that daughter inherits her mother's recessive gene, it is usually balanced by her father's X chromosome if he has normal color vision, and the daughter would be Cc like her mother. However, although they are rare, a colorblind female is possible if her mother is a carrier (or is color blind, cc) and her father is colorblind also. However, a son only inherits one X chromosome, so he is totally dependent on which X chromosome his mother gives him. His father's Y chromosome, which makes him male, does not have this gene on it. The son has a 50-50 chance of inheriting his mother's color blind gene, and if he does, he will be colorblind based on the gene inherited from his female parent. His male parent donated a Y chromosome, which has no genes for this trait on it, so the mother alone determines this trait in her sons.

What is the difference between sex chromosome an autosomal chromosome?

the autosome do not control the sex organs . but the sex chromosome control the sex organs

What is the link between sex-linked disorders and sex chromosome disorders?

sex-linked is normally involving X chromosome sex chromosome normally involving Y chromosome