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Q: What sex will a baby be when an x chromosome joins the ovum?
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What determines if a pregnant women has a male or female?

The sperm can have either X or Y sex chromosome. If the sperm with X chromosome fertilize the ovum, you get female baby. If the sperm with Y chromosome fertilize the ovum, you get male baby. Ovum always has got X chromosome in it.

How is a baby sexs determine?

It's determined by the genetic chromosome of the sperm. Women have only one X chromosome in the egg (both egg and sperm have 23 pairs of chromosomes, which unite to form 46). On the other hand, men have either X or Y chromosomes. If an egg (X chromosome) joins with an X chromosome sperm, the result will be a girl. If an egg (X chromosome) joins with a Y chromosome sperm, the result will be a boy. In other words: the guy determines the sex of a baby :)

When is the baby sex determined?

It is the sperm from the male determines the sex of the child. Half of the sperms contain the Y chromosome and half the sperms contain the X chromosomes. Ovum from the female always contain the X chromosome. When the sperm with Y chromosome fertilize the ovum, the sex of the child becomes male. When the sperm with X chromosome fertilize the ovum the sex of the child becomes female. The females are wrongly blamed for the birth of female child in some countries.

Who makes the sex of the baby?

The chromosome in the male's gamete determines the gender of the baby. If it is a Y chromosome, the baby will be a boy. If the chromosome is a X, the baby will be a girl.

The sex of a child is determined by?

In humans the sex of the offspring is determined by which sperm is able to fertilize the ovum. If a sperm containing the X chromosome fertilizes the ovum, a female offspring results. If a sperm containing the Y chromosome fertilizes the ovum, a male offspring results

What sex chromosome does a human egg cell contain?

The sex chromosome typically carried by an ovum is X-chromosome. The sperm may carry either x or y sex chromosome.

A sperm carrying a Y chromosome can produce a?

Male zygote if it fertilizes the female sex cell, ovum

If a baby has one Y chromosome and one X chromosome what sex is it?

It is a male.

Sex determination in the unborn baby?

It mainly depends upon the sex chromosomes.i.e, Y chromosome and X chromosome.

How do chromosomes determine an individual's sex?

The female- or male- ness of the fertilized Ovum [Zygote] depends upon the X, or Y, 'component' of Chromosome Number 23 [the sex-chromosome] that is donated from the Male. All of the Female Chromosome Numbers 23 ARE XX.

When a pollen grain joins with an ovum?

A polln grain after germination sends a pollen tube in the ovule to release male gametes near the egg cell or ovum.

Explaine the sex of an infant is genetically determined at conception.?

Male sex is tied directly to the Y sex chromosome. The Y chromosome codes for the proteins and enzymes that cause the changes that makes one phenotypically male. Any fetus without a Y chromosome will be genotypically and phenotypically female, only by lack of those proteins and enzymes mentioned before. Given that one sex chromosome comes from the ovum and one comes from the sperm, which fuse at conception, the genotypic and phenotypic sex of the fetus is determined at the time of conceptual fusion of the spermatozoa and ovum.