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Q: What shampoo to use on hair that has be in chlorine?
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the chlorine make blond hair turn green. if you use chlorine shampoo it should get it out.

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How do you clean hair after swimming in salt water pool?

always shampoo and condition hair after swimming, especially when swimming in chlorinated water. if you don't, chlorine can build up on the hair and make it feel horrible. if you swim often, get a good clarifying shampoo and use once a week to prevent build-up. before getting in the pool, wet your hair first with regular water. hair is like a sponge, it soaks up water. if it's already wet, it won't soak up as much chlorine. or, even better, use a leave-in conditioner beforehand. conditioner seals the cuticle of your hair, so very little chlorine can get into the hair shaft. the best thing to do after swimming is to shampoo and condition your hair. deep conditioners always help also.

Why do you use shampoo for your hair?

It cleans your hair!

Is it okay to shampoo your hair in a pool or will it damage the balance of the pH or the filter?

Damage you hair is more like it. The chlorine is very bad for your hair and should be rinsed after swimming. A: Not a good idea to shampoo in the hair in the pool. You are contaminating the water.

Your hair is curly you use garneer shampoo what you do grow your hair faster SHINNY?

use a different shampoo and wait while your hair grows

What shampoo do you need to use for straight hair?

Well it depends what you mean. If you mean "what shampoo do you need to use for GETTING straight hair" then use Fushion Anti-Frizz with Hair straightening power. If you mean "what shampoo to use for MY straight hair" then use Dove Straight

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Do you use conditioner for hair extensions?

You can wash your hair extensions if they're human hair; otherwise, use a mild shampoo or shampoo specifically for weaves/wigs

How do you give a dog a bath in Nintendo dogs?

You have to go into care and select shampoo. If your dog has long hair use long hair shampoo if your dog has short hair use short hair shampoo. Click on the appropriate shampoo and then select the dog. (it's really simple)