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Q: What shapes do the epidermal cells of tomatoes exhibit and what is the color of the dominant pigments here?
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What shape of epidermal cells of tomatoes exhibit?


What gene will exhibit its traits even in a prensesce of a recessive gene?

The dominant allele

What is the probaility that the offspring of a homozygous dominant individual and a homozygous recessive individual will exhibit the dominant phenotype?

100 percent.

How does a dominant trait affect the phenotype of an organism?

If the the trait is controlled by only one allele and the allele is completely dominant then once inherited the offspring with exhibit that phenotype

What is the percentage of offspring that will exhibit the dominant trait from A crossing of A homozygous dominant and homozygous recessive individual?

The homozygous dominant individual can only pass on the dominant allele and the homozygous recessive individual can only pass on the recessive allele, therefore all offspring will be heterozygous and have the dominant phenotype.

What is the probability that the offspring of a homozygous dominant individual and a homozygous recessive individual exhibit the dominant phenotype?

Given those conditions, the offspring have a 50% chance of demonstrating the dominant phenotype and a 50% chance of demonstrating the recessive phenotype.

Can dog's be gay?

Dogs will exhibit dominant behavior by humping both male and female dogs, but it is not a form of sexual orientation. The humping is usually only a mock intercourse with no penetration involved. It does not involve attraction or a relationship. Even male dogs that exhibit dominant behaviors will still mate with a female in heat.

Why is it not necessary when the dominant and recessive traits are known to use the term homozygous when referring to the genotype of an individual that has a recessive phenotype?

An organism with a recessive allele from a particular form of a trait will exhibit that form only when the dominant allele for the trait is not present.

In the mendels experiment why did traits show up in the f2 generation that were not present in the f1 generation?

All of the F1 generation are heterozygous, therefore 100% exhibit the dominant phenotype. The F2 generation has a ratio of 1 homozygous dominant: 2 heterozygous: 1 homozygous recessive. This results in a phenotypic ratio of 3 dominant: 1 recessive.

In Mendels experiment why did traits show up in F2 generation that were not present in the F1 generation?

All of the F1 generation are heterozygous, therefore 100% exhibit the dominant phenotype. The F2 generation has a ratio of 1 homozygous dominant: 2 heterozygous: 1 homozygous recessive. This results in a phenotypic ratio of 3 dominant: 1 recessive.

Why are boys more dominant in baldness than females?

The term dominant is a misnomer here as the trait is not dominant or the number of women with the trait would be much higher. Pattern baldness is a sex-linked trait. Male pattern baldness alleles are present on the X chromosome which means that only one copy of the allele is required for a male to exhibit the trait (the y chromosome, being much smaller, doesn't have the gene locus for this trait). Females must have 2 alleles for the characteristic in order to exhibit the the trait.

What was the ratio of dominant of recessive phenotypes in the F2 generation of Mendel's experiments?

The traits were recessive.