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Q: What shoes should flat footed people wear?
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Unfortunately, no. At this time Skechers USA, inc. does not sell shoes designed to meet the needs of flat-footed individuals. No current plans to release a line of shoes for the flat-footed have been anounced.

What will happen to flat-footed people?

Flat-footed people suffers pain from waist down to the feet. What happens is that flat-footed people can be prone to chronic muscle strain as the muscles attempt to keep the foot in a stable position.

Why are flat footed people not allowed in the US Army?

Flat footed persons are not good runner and they are not allowed in any army .Flat foot is weaker as compared to curved foot .

What golf shoes are best for people with flat feet?

I would say Nike or Adidas are the best brands for wide feet. Also, when you the are buying the shoe ask an employee if you would need to get gel arches for your shoes. It makes it a whole lot easier to maneuver in sports or for a nice casual walk. It should 99.9% of the time keep your feet from being flat (flat-footed), if they sell you the ones you need of course.

Do flat footed people run faster than people who have arches in their feet?

no they run slower

What do they say about flat footed people?

That it is difficult for them to walk long distances.

Is a seal a flat footed?


How can you tell if your not flat footed?

If you have an arch in your foot, then you are not flat footed. You can tell if you put your foot against the ground, but not pressing down, and yeah..

How can you tell if your flat footed?

If you have an arch in your foot, then you are not flat footed. You can tell if you put your foot against the ground, but not pressing down, and yeah..

Is it ok for a 3 year old to walk flat footed?

no, that is not OK, you may need to take him/her to a physician and make sure the feet are NOT flat, otherwise specially made shoes with insoles are in order to build the arches.

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Can flat footed people play sport?

The difference in foot type has absolutely nothing to do with how well you can play basketball. You will either be good or not, but the type of foot you have has nothing to do with how good you are.