

What should I do if the puppy ate some human medicine?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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16y ago

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Take it to the Vet ASAP! Take it to the Vet ASAP!

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Q: What should I do if the puppy ate some human medicine?
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You should call your new puppy a name that suits it. Some puppy names are cupcake, bear, Bernie, Annabelle, etc.

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Some yes, some no. It's best to ask your veterinarian.

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You are not supposted to put flea/ tick medicine on a puppy. If the dog is usually under 6 months to a years of age it should not be put on. It can cause the dog to get sick. If you have a small dog but is older it should not get sick and it shouldn't shake unless it has some alergic reaction to the medicine. I have a small dog and we use flea medicine on him and he is fine and never has fleas.

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Only in some foods like Fat off of steaks

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If the puppy is 4 weeks old or older soak some dry puppy food in water loosen up with a fork and he/she should eat it and about 2 week all teeth in they should eat the food dry good.

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Technically, you can overdose on any medicine. What medicine are you wondering about? There are doses of some medicines which should never be exceeded.

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maybe you should figure it out

What should you feed your puppy's for the first time?

Some scrambled egg or some non-sugar porrige. Puppies should be gradually weaned onto a QUALITY puppy food that has at least 28% protein and 17% fat. They should be kept on this puppy food up until they are 6 months old and then gradually weaned onto a QUALITY adult dog food that has 18% protein and 9-15% fat. Leaving a puppy on puppy food too long can cause rapid growth which can lead to joint problems.

Compare medicine in to human?

That is actually a good question. Medicine helps protect/aide a human beeings body from certain types of ailments or it justs helps you out from small yet annoying problems. Humans can be seen as "earths medicine" Some things that we do may benifit the earth but the wrong kind of medicine could harm it.

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Take it to an animal hospital, and if possible, a sample of the berries. You should take it as soon as possible. It usually mean the berries are poisonous and your puppy can die if not treated.

Is veterinary medicine as academically demanding as human medicine?

Yes, veterinary medicine is a profession with as strict and comprehensive of scientific training as human medicine. All of the diseases that humans get can also be present in animals, although the relative frequency changes and the treatment options are a little different. In some respects, veterinary medicine is more challenging because you must learn at least eight different species while human physicians get to focus on just one species.