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Senator Martin should consider the potential impact of his decision on his constituents, the country as a whole, and his own values and beliefs. He should also weigh the arguments from both sides, consult with experts, and consider the long-term consequences of his choice. Additionally, he should evaluate how his decision aligns with his political goals and priorities.

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Q: What should Senator Martin think about in making his decision?
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Where should power lie?

Power should lie with the people, who should have the ability to elect representatives to make decisions on their behalf. These representatives should be held accountable through regular elections and mechanisms for oversight. Decentralization of power can also help ensure that diverse voices and perspectives are considered in the decision-making process.

Why 50 percent seat should be given to woman in parliament?

Giving 50 percent of seats to women in parliament promotes gender equality and ensures that women's perspectives and experiences are represented in decision-making processes. This helps in addressing gender imbalance, promoting diversity, and creating more inclusive policies that benefit all members of society.

What should you do when working with problem owners and stakeholders?

When working with problem owners and stakeholders, it is important to actively listen to their perspectives, gather their feedback and input, involve them in decision-making processes, and communicate with transparency and clarity to ensure alignment and collaboration. Building strong relationships based on trust and empathy also helps in navigating challenges effectively and finding solutions that meet everyone's needs.

What is role of sarpanch?

A sarpanch is an elected head of a village-level statutory institution in India called a Gram Panchayat. The sarpanch acts as the intermediary between the government and the village community, representing the interests of the village in local governance matters, decision-making, and development activities. They are responsible for overseeing the functioning of the Gram Panchayat and ensuring that village development projects are implemented effectively.

Strategies and tactics of social action?

Strategies for social action may include peaceful protests, community organizing, advocacy campaigns, and using social media to raise awareness. Tactics may involve mobilizing people, lobbying government officials, creating petitions, and engaging in civil disobedience to bring about social change. Both strategies and tactics should align with the goals and values of the social movement.

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