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Q: What should be done with the legs of a casualty who is suffering from heat cramps?
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When rolling an unresponsive casualty on his back what is the first thing that needs to be done?

straighten the legs

What workouts could have caused calf pain?

If you started having calf pain while you were working out, you probably did not strecth. Stretching should be done before and after you workout to help you not get cramps and pains.

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Buddha's intent was to end suffering. This was to be done by understanding at suffering is caused by desire and that it can be eliminated by controlling desire.

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Emitting White Liquid is normal but it should not excrete this white in paste form. If he is doing so it means he is suffering from dehydration.

You arrive at an accident where someone is suffering from severe burns What should you do?

The DSA suggests you pour cold liquid. This of course to anyone who has done Frist Aid is nonsense.

What is cramps in the anus?

leftover corn when your done with a big hefty meal. It is also because your S**T might be a little on the LARGE side.

You have had period like cramps for two weeks could this be early signs of pregnancy?

Hello, Yes it could be a sign of pregnancy.

Should a fracture be washed?

A bone fracture should definitely be washed, but this is not a process that is done at home. If you are suffering from a bone fracture, immediatly seek treatment at an emergency room. ER staff will clean and set the fracture for you.

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no study should be done at the expense of another person. if it is an animal you have to determine if the study is worth the pain or suffering.

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The bible, when it's message is applied

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It is not called euthanasia if the decision to end a life is made without the consent of the individual, or if it is done for purposes other than relieving suffering, such as for financial gain or convenience. euthanasia is a voluntary act done with the agreement of the person who is suffering.

When boyfriend penetrates too deep it really hurts like cramps even in the days after why is this and what can be done?

My girlfriend the same. Whether is vaginal or anal, the minute I go too deep, she rolls her eyes in pain and has hectic cramps.