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Q: What should be flexible to perform the lotus pose?
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How do you perform the plank yoga pose so it is not a danger to my back?

To perform the plank yoga pose so that it is not a danger to your back, you would need to modify the pose. You could begin the pose with your knees touching the floor and raise them slowly or you could perform a side plank.

What is the seated yoga position called?

You must be thinking of either the full lotus or half lotus positions. The full lotus is where both feet on crossed so that each foot is resting on the opposite thigh. The half lotus is where there is one foot placed on top, and one tucked under-neigh. These are not it though. There is also Seiza, which is kneeling, and burmese, where one foot is placed on the floor, with the other placed in front.

What danger to Odysseus' men do the Lotus-Eaters pose?

they lure odysseus' men into they're traps and never let them go, creating a time illusion and feeding off their souls.

How does the danger posed by the sirens compare to that pose by the lotus-eaters?

Sirens would have sung them to their deaths, or wrecked the vessel along the cliff if a sailor took it in his head to drive the ship to the shore to get to them. The Lotus-eaters did not cause harm or threaten to kill them but drugged the men into a blissful state from which they did not want to leave.

How does the danger pose by the sirens compare to that posed by the lotus eater?

Sirens would have sung them to their deaths, or wrecked the vessel along the cliff if a sailor took it in his head to drive the ship to the shore to get to them. The Lotus-eaters did not cause harm or threaten to kill them but drugged the men into a blissful state from which they did not want to leave.

Should people fear wolves?

No, they do not pose a threat.

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No, unless they pose a potential danger.

What rhymes with sweeter than a rose?

maybe you should pose ;)

How do you pose a sim in Sims 3?

If you already bought a camera, you can just ask them to pose. If your using your cell phone to take a picture, just point it at them for a while and they should eventually turn around and pose for you.

Does tai chi pose ankle and knee problems?

No, tai chi done properly should not pose any unusual risks to any of the joints of the body.

What are some yoga pose?

Mountain Pose. Forward Fold. Plank Pose. Downward Dog. Child's Pose

When would a doctor perform a C-section?

C-sections are performed when there are complications during the process of labor that can pose a danger to the mother and/or child. They can even be requested