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Q: What should be the greatest distance between two vehicles when one vehicle is towing the other?
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What should you do when following a vehicle?

Maintain a safe distance between vehicles. Never tailgate.

Which is a better vehicle?

Between what vehicles.

What is The greatest weight allowed for any vehicle or combination of vehicles including the load?

80,000lbs biches

Towing vehicles on the autobahn is allowed regardless of the distance you have to travel to get the vehicle to its final destination?


What is the 3 second plus rule in driving?

The 3 second rule (sometimes it's a 2 second rule) refers to the spacing a vehicle should maintain when following another vehicle, regardless of speed. The theory is that the faster the vehicles are traveling, the greater the margin of safety (spacing or distance) between the vehicles will be.

What is braking distance?

The distance a vehicle will travel between putting on the brakes and coming to a stop.

What is the purpose of using Nerf bars?

Nerf bars are commonly used in vehicle races. The purpose of using Nerf bars is to allow drivers to safely bump another vehicle. It puts a distance between the wheels of the two vehicles and keeps them from getting tangled.

How can you build a vehicle using home things without wheels and the vehicle needs to travel 1.5 meters?

A swing and a see-saw are vehicles and they travel the required distance

How many gallons is there left when the low fuel light comes on?

The answer depends on the car (or other vehicle).Between 1 and 2 gallons in most vehicles.

When coming to a stop behind another vehicle stop at least how many feet behind the vehicle in front of you?

Usually, on non-commercial or low occupancy vehicles (passenger cars), there is no posted minimum stopping distance. You can bring your car as close to the stopped vehicle as safely possible, and not be in violation of anything. On some industrial vehicles and most high occupancy vehicles (buses) there is a waning sign on the rear bumper that says, "Stay Back X# Feet." When approaching a vehicle that has a similar warning label, try to stop that distance behind the vehicle.

Is vehicles or vehicle's?

vehicles <><><><><> It depends on whether you want plural or possessive. My vehicle's engine is bad. Our vehicles are bad. You can also have plural possessive: vehicles'

What is a Space cushion?

C. The space between your vehicle and the vehicles in front, behind and on either side of you.