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Q: What should be the moisture content of wall prior to fix wall paper?
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How long should you wait before you seal concrete?

AnswerTypical concrete takes 28 days (4 weeks) to cure. Prior to the 28 days concrete still has moisture in it that weakens the strength of the concrete. If you seal it prior to 28 days there is a chance you will be sealing in some of that moisture and hence weakening the integrity of the concrete. Another more common problem that occurs when you seal in the moisture is you can see white cloudy bloches which is really the reaction of the moisture and sealer. This prevents a strong bond for the sealer and the sealer can peal up. Ok, all that said, the 28 days really is condition dependant. If you poured your concrete in the middle of dry summer then 14 days should be the minimum amount of time you should wait. After you seal the concrete (depends on conditions and sealer product) you will typically want to give the sealer 1 day prior to walking on it and 48 hours after application before driving on it. Again depends on type of sealer (ie. epoxy...). has a lot of good info as well. Good luck.

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Hair products should be removed prior to cutting

How do you use prepasted decorative paper wall?

I think you meant prepasted decorative wallpaper, not paper wall. The wallpaper should come with instructions as to how to install and any necessary preparation that must be done to the wall prior to installing. Just follow the directions after reading thoroughly.

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