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Q: What should i do I got a bruise on July 21 2009 it was small and noticed on July 22 on your rt shin well 2 months down the road and its bigger and hurts also red and hot?
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Related questions

Why do bruises turn hard?

a bruise is internal bleeding. if the blood cannot escape, it clots into a hematoma. if its bigger than about two peas, you should have it checked out.

A bruise on the side of the right hip and every other week or months it comes back.?

A bruise which does not heal, or keeps coming back in the way you suggest should be evaluated by your physician. It would be inappropriate to attempt any kind of diagnosis over the internet.

What should you do for a purple bruise?

After 5 to 10 days, the bruise turns greenish or yellowish. ... All you have to do is apply cold to the bruise for half an hour to an hour at a time ... A bruise is getting more painful. Your bruise is swelling. You can't move a joint. ...

How long should you tape a deep bruise in your metacarpal?

You should tape a bruise as long as it takes for it to heal. This somewhat depends on which metacarpal is affected.

When should you seek medical advice for a bruise?

If after 7 days the bruise is still growing or has not started to fade, then seek medial advice.

Have a bruise below knee how long should it last?


How long does Activia yogurt last in the frig?

After about 4 months I noticed some mold forming

What would be the immediate treatment after bumping your shin created large blood filled bruise?

Put ice on it (not directly) and that should halt any swelling. The bruise should go away on its on in a week or so.

I noticed a bump on the side of my neck under my skin It's been there for a couple of months Should I get it checked out by a doctor?

Yes, it is important to have the bump on your neck checked by a doctor.

Can you get a bruise after you get your belly button pierced?

It's not uncommon to have a bruise due to incorrect piercing methods or heavy handed piercers. Done correctly and carefully there should be no bruising.

What Does It Mean If the TB shot area turns purple like a bruise?

when tb shot givin correctly intradermally, it should not bruise. your shot was given to deeply subdermally.

Where are the testes located at birth and where should they finally be by the age of twelve months?

They are attached to your big toe and slowly get bigger and migrate up to your bellybutton.