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Q: What should I do to increase my kid's immune system?
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Can mono weaken your immune system and make you susceptible to other illnesses?

no it cant, exspecially if one were to say i don't no get their cartlidge peirced. don't worry about it and let your kids get it.

Is the immune system fully operational at birth?

No, it is not. This is why very young kids can have transplants and not require immunosuppresives in later life - their immune system adapts to accept a donor organ, because it's too young to reject it. The immune system becomes pretty much fully operational around 1 year old.

Why do doctors want more kids to get the flu vaccine?

Because when you get a certain type of flu shot i helps your body recognize it in a small dose so your antibodies are able to fight off the virus thus leaving your immune system strong against that certain type of flu, but if you don't get flu shots you risk your immune system to weaken and your white blood cell count lowers in which case you get sick and depending on the virus you can also die.

What Scientific words that kids should know?

energy, nitrogen ,solar system

How many kids die of AIDS every year?

2.8 million and many don't die from aids they die from things like pneumonia because their immune system is weak

Can bacteria be used to synthesize medicines?

yes because most medicines are uses to build your immune system so i as a doctor have to some times give kids shots of bacteria.

What vitamins are vital to keeping the immune system healthy?

Boosting your kids' immune systems is essential. Parents should take the time to consider the best vitamins for the immune system and minerals to improve their children's health. Vitamin E is one of the best immune-boosting vitamins. It helps the body produce immune cells and protects them from damage. It's also a powerful antioxidant. It's found in a variety of foods including leafy green vegetables, nuts, and seeds. Another great way to boost your child's immune system is to encourage them to engage in physical activities. Exercise promotes a stronger immune system and also helps with stress management. Vitamin D is an important vitamin for the immune system. It helps to boost their immune system, reduce the risk of respiratory disease, and protect them from infections. The body produces vitamin D when ultraviolet B rays hit the skin. The best way to get your child's daily dose of vitamin D is by spending time outside in the sunshine. Another great immune-boosting vitamin is Vitamin C. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant and is found in citrus fruits, broccoli, and cauliflower. It helps the body protect itself from free radicals and also helps the body produce collagen. It also promotes iron absorption.

Why do kids get sick?

Kids' immune systems are not yet fully powerful yet, so they get affected more easily.

What makes measles so dangerous?

measles wouldn't be dangerous if parents would stop poisoning their kids immune system with processed foods, sodas and high fructose corn syrup.

Should kids be allowd to sit where ever they want in the cafeteria?

yes because kids would be more social, increase more eating, and decrease yelling, arguing, and fighting

How do you increase appetite of toddlers?

Kids Should never skip their breakfast. Snacks should be as good as meals and give water 30 min before meals. Their should be feeding after every 2 hours.

What has caused the huge population increase?

Cause now a days kids are having kids