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Try and find someone else that you can love that will love you back.

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Q: What should i do when i love the person who's in love with me before and not anymore?
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What do you do when your friend who you know for years and is going out with someone says i love you?

I would say to the person who he/she is dating and let them handle it but if that person doesn't love you anymore at least the person knows that they don't love them anymore but if they do still love you then its alright and everything will be OK. that happened to me before at the 6th grade dance a while ago and i got upset and started to cry so don't fell bad for what you did. you should be proud of yourself.

Should a person that claims they are not in love anymore miss the other person and not even be able to discuss them without getting upset?

no, that means that they are lying to themselves. they still love the person and if they were the ones who did something wrong they should do something about it to make it better

How do you deal with the fact that the person you were with dont love you anymore long before the relationship even ended?

you should just put yourself in their takes two to make a relationship work. And you should just imagine yourself in a relationship where the other person is in love with you , but you dont love them.... u just have to realize that it is possible to love more then once...and everyone you are going to date doesnt neccesarily have to be "the one"

How is it possible to love someone before you see them?

It depends on what type of person the love is for. If it is for a child, it's very easy to love them before one sees them. It comes from within. Now if the love is for another adult, one should get to know the person before trying to love them before seeing them.

Do you love ourselfs or the person you ae in love with more?

People should love themselves first before they are able to love any other person. Most people today do love and put other people before themselves.

Should you tell Jerome you love him?

Yes OfCourse! You should always express your love for the other person before its too late.

Should you still be with this guy that you dont see anymore?

If you don't see him anymore, you should move on but if you love him find him and be with him.

How will you know if he does not love you anymore?

When the things that attracted to you to that person are gone .

Should you leave your partner if you feel they dont love you anymore?

when you feel like your partner doesn't love you anymore and you feel like leaving him, you should confront him first or else, when you leave him and the truth was he loved you then that sucks before deciding,,, think first, do you think you're being a little bit insecure?

How would you say to a dying person that you don't love him or her anymore?

If someone is dying, let them die in peace. DO NOT tell them that you don't love them anymore. == == I agree with the comment above. It is more compassionate to say and do what you can to assure the other person that you care for them, even if it is not love.

Can you be in love with someone you have never seen?

Yes that shows that you love the person for what is inside and not out. But you should make sure to see them before you do anything.

How do you know whether someone loves you whom you love if that person is much older than you the love not being of a girl friend or boy friend but of a teacher?

First of all, students should not have a love with a teacher until they are not a student anymore. Second of all, there is no politically correct way to ask a teacher, but you should wait until you are not a student like I said before. Hope this info helps!