

What should we do if you see some one else being bullied?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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13y ago

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Tell them to stop and if that does not work, tell an adult.

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Q: What should we do if you see some one else being bullied?
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What should you do if you see someone being bullied at work?

puch them in the face then laugh OR tell some one else and then if no help was found step up yourself and tell him to stop! and also if you punch them in the face and laugh they will get really mad and kill you!

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Because some people are just a-holes and they feel like being a jerk and by upsetting someone else they make themselves feel better.

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No one has to. But there are some that cannot handle the stress of the bullying. If you are being bullied, please talk to an adult about the situation.

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In the US, anyone can sue anyone else for anything. Whether or not they can win depends on the facts of the case and the applicable law.

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It can stop some bullying, Kids wont be bullied for the clothes they wear, but they can still be bullied for being tall/short, for how much they weigh, for being nerdy/unpopular, there are many differnt reason for why a kid would be bullied

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It's about being bullied. If you watch the officialvideo, you see some people getting bullied, and Taylor singing about it.

How do you know if your child is being bullied?

by there look on faces or if they are in a bad mood probably if they are quiet throughout the day and are not bothered to do any thing some time a child might have to take something for the bully or else they will harm them.

Does a person get bullied at home or at school more?

Some people do not get bullied at home. Some people do not get bullied at school. If you are getting bullied at school, tell your teacher. If that does no good, tell your principal. If it is your parents who are bullying you at home, you should also tell someone in authority. There is no reason why anyone should get bullied. Ways exist to stop it. You must let someone know who is not part of the problem. If you tell that person and it does not stop, you must go to the principal. The second time should work. "The squeaky wheel gets the grease."

Why do some kids who have been bullied bully others?

Sometimes to take out frustration and anger that has been built up over the course of them being bullied they bully others around them.

What are some reasons people are bullied?

Because they themselves are bullied.

What other words mean being a tease?

some words that mean being teased is humiliated, Bullied by the way im in the 6th grade :)

Do kids ever get over being bullied?

People who get bullied don't ever really get over be a victim of a bully. Some people may think or feel they are over it, but deep inside you can never fully get over somthing so horrible. i was bullied to the extrem where the thought of killing my self crossed my mind. i am over the whole killing myself thing, but the hurt of being bullied still stings.