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If a cat swallows ANYTHING that it shouldn't, it is highly advisable to take the cat to the vet immediately as it could cause the animal to choke, cause an internal blockage or shred its insides.


When my cat swallowed tape I called the vet and this was their advice:

If the tape is less than 1 1/2 inches long, nothing will most likely happen. Keep an eye on the cat for any changes in behavior.

If the tape is over 1 1/2 inches long, take it in immedatly.

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You should feed it organic baby food. The baby food makes it throw it up.

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Q: What should you do if a cat eats a rubber band?
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What happens if a cat eats a rubber band?

Nothing. The rubber band will be passed in the next couple of days.

You put a rubber band on your cats wrist will it live?

If the rubber band wasn't tight, the cat likely simply kicked it off when it became annoying. If the rubber band was tight, the cat is likely to chew through it as soon as it becomes annoying. However, if the cat left the rubber band alone, and it was tight enough to cut off blood flow, eventually the rubber band would cause all the tissues (including the entire paw) below the rubber band to die and fall off. Depending upon the cat's overall health and exactly how the necrosis of the paw occurs, this could result in fatal blood poisoning. I wouldn't suggest doing this to your cat - it's quite painful - but it's likely the cat would take care of the problem before it became life threatening.

Is it okay if your cat eats broccli?

No they should eat cat food

What happens if a cat eats a pretzel?

Nothing but they should only have cat food.

What to give to cat WHO EATS all the time but does not gain weight?

If your cat eats so much but does not gain weight it may mean that your cat is diabetic and should be taken to a veterinarian.

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It will make you listen to some obscure band, cause, you like, totally have to hear this, man.

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my cat eats chicken yes it is a good name for a cat that eat chicken

Why does your cat eat its own pooh?

IT doesn't eat pooh. No cat eats pooh it eats cat food.

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What can happen if your cat eats watercolor paint?

If your cat eats watercolor paint that is non-toxic, they should be fine. They may become ill if they eat a watercolor paint that is made toxic ingredients like cobalt or cadmium and you should contact your vet.

Is a cat a herbirvore?

No a cat eats meat

If a cat eats a pea will it die?

One pea is unlikely to have any damaging effects on a cat, but peas have no nutritional value to a cat so should not be fed often.