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In this modern age it doesn't appear many people are trying too darn hard to save their marriages. A problem comes up and they head for the hills. Marriage takes some work and if you make it through it sure is a great feeling. If you can't resolve the problems in your marriage instead of running off with another woman, then you will never be truly happy. Everytime you stumble in a relationship you're just going to up and run. I'd think long and hard about leaving your wife and especially if you have children. Go off somewhere BY YOURSELF and think! Ask yourself why you are so unhappy. Then ask yourself if you have really tried in your marriage. Never mind getting advice from you buddies ... you're a big boy, you know what you want in life and you know in your heart what needs to be done. You are responsible for you! If you just don't love your wife (people can fall out of love) there is no easy way to tell her. You're just going to have to say the words. I'd wish you good luck, but I don't think you're trying hard enough.

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Q: What should you do if you're in love with another woman and want to be with her but are worried about hurting your wife?
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