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Q: What should you do if you accidentally washed your dry clean only pants?
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I put a black sharpie marker in my back pocket of my khaki pants and now there is a spot on my pocket. How do I get it out< I tried oxi clean the liquid and the powder and made into a paste and washed it and it didn't come out. What do you suggest? Thanks you.

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Black or light washed jeans.

How do you spell clouse as in a shirt or pants or scarfs?

The word is spelled clothes. Example: I washed my clothes.

If you washed your pants after you got semen on them how long would it take to get it off?

approximately seven minutes

What is the best way to care for corduroy pants so that the fabric will remain nice?

Corduroy pants should always be washed in cold water by themselves so that they don't pick up lint from other clothing, however, washing in cold water is the best way to keep them.

Dry clean only pants?

Please put your question in a complete sentence so it can be answered more easily. What do you want to know about dry clean only pants?

How do you wash track pants?

Track pants, which are generally made with nylon, are best washed on a cold water cycle, separate from the rest of your non-nylon clothing. Normal detergents should work, but be sure to use non-chlorine bleach if bleach is necessary. To dry your track pants, either air dry them, or place them on the lowest level in the dryer.

Is it ok to let sperm dry in your pants?

It is unhygienic to leave it to dry, you should clean yourself up immediately afterwards. It will smell bad if you don't.

How do you spot clean dry clean only pants?

The best way to spot clean dry clean only pants is to choose the solution that matches the stain. For tea stains, spot clean with lemon juice. For coffee stains, spot clean with vinegar. The use of dry cleaning fluid, Afta will remove most other stains.

Should your shoes match your pants or blouse?

Your pants!

What if you accidentally go past the disco ball pieces in fancy pants 3?

nothing u just lose points