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That doesnt make sense you probably either are depressed or really want attention.... tell some one about it and talk to you parent s about antidepressants even if you arent depressed and or are really stressed it will SERIOUSLY help big time.

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Q: What should you do if you are having thoughts of suicide but are not really depressed?
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not really cause im silent but also yet i used to have thoughts of suicide but i was goin thrue alot in the break down its better to talk to somebody about it.

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You can't really say she's depressed but can't really say she isn't. Adele is a sad soul it shows in her music, she sings about her life. She's not depressed but she's sad.

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What do you do if your friend is having suicidal thoughts and is emo?

Go tell her parents what she is thinking. She needs help. Find out if she has a plan on how to do it. Often people make a threat like this for attention, but really don't have a plan. If she has a plan YOU NEED TO TELL HER PARENTS OR SOMEONE NOW. You can't wait on this. If you have to turn to a suicide hot line for help.