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If you're not happy only being with the person you are dating now, it's the best thing for both of you if you end the relationship. Letting an attraction for someone else lead into cheating only adds drama to the situation.

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Q: What should you do if you are with someone and you start developing feelings for someone else and they won't go away?
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How do you feel when you start catching feelings but are either heartbroken?

Disappointment after developing feelings for someone is a normal reaction

I think might be gay and i no a guy that wants me what do you do coz i like chicks?

Hey, you could be bi. And if a guy likes you, that doesn't make you gay/bi. And if you start feeling that you should be in a relationship, you're developing a guilt crush; you start developing feelings on someone you know that likes you because of guilt-ITs perfectly natural and happens to everryone at one point of another

How can you start this relationship?

Please start the relationship on the right foot by totally being honest about everyhting. Its always better to know from the person that it is about versus from someone that doesn't have a clue. You should always be with someone that you truly like or atleast have feelings for. You should NEVER be with someone out of pity.

How do you know when you have feelings for someone?

U will be nice to them or u will stare at him or her alot

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you should get back together with the month long relationship and tell the other guy I'm sorry but i have feelings for a different guy

Why does this happen I'll like someone and have feelings for him and then he starts having feelings towards me too and things start getting serious but then I will lose feelings for him?

This means that your feelings are for him are not secure. It can also mean you have feelings for someone else or even your ex-boyfriend. If you are unsure about your feelings for him, he needs to know so that he does not feel led on or betrayed.

At what age should you start developing nipples?

you should have them from birth, unless your name is Kyle XY

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You should have feelings for both men and women until you have intercourse.

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No it depends when she start developing breasts

What is a good age to start having feelings for someone?

There is no right time... it's when you are prepared

How do you get her back when she breaks up with you because she has feelings for your friend but she wants to be friends with you?

I don't think you can get her back.. firstly she must not have sincerely loved you if she now has feelings for your friend... This girl is not good enough for you.. But if you really want her back - you should start seeing someone else and shove it in her face, because if she has feelings for you, she will get jealous and come back to you

At what age should I start worrying about developing osteoporosis?

If you're a woman, you should start worrying about it at the onset of menopause. Men do get osteoporosis, but it's much more rare.