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Confront her about it but not necessarily in an offensive/defensive way. Sure, that sounds right and you're mad, but if you attack her, she will try to weasel her way out of it or twist it around so that you're the one to blame and that doesn't get either of you anywhere. It will only make the situation worse. Tell her what you know (as in what you have proof of) as well as what you suspect and give her a chance to explain herself.

Ask her why she felt she needed to lie. Tell her that you are angry or hurt or upset that she lied and what she lied about. If it's something small and can be fixed, take a few minutes apart to cool down as heat of the moment arguments never get anywhere. Then talk about it and discuss ways you can make everything okay again. Don't lead her on into thinking you're not upset about it if you truly are. Don't try to actively make her feel bad or guilty about lying. By taking a calmer approach to the situation, she will most likely feel bad about it herself and be more open with you in the future.

If it's something you absolutely cannot forgive or very difficult to forgive, perhaps you both can research intervention help from a couple's therapist if you wish to remain together. if you don't, then perhaps separation is best. Either way, don't berate or belittle her in the process of speaking about the concerns. It will only make her throw up her defenses and nothing positive can come from that.

Discuss with her why she has lost some trust with you and ways she can earn the trust back, such as remaining honest with you in the future no matter how bad she thinks it might be. By seeing this example of how calmly and maturely you approach this lapse in judgment, she may be more apt to be completely honest with you later on anyway.

It is understandable for you to be angry with her for lying. But that's why it's imperative to take a step back and cool off before you confront her, and allow her to do the same after you confront her because it could be somewhat embarrassing for her to be caught. That will also make her defensive. And if at anytime during the process of discussion either of you feel yourself heating up to explode, just remember to take a breather so that both of you can put things into perspective.

Finally, if you do decide to forgive her, you can let her know that you may not forget about it and might have your guard up for a while... but if you decide to stick it out with her, don't throw it up in her face in the future. It can cause a lot of stress on the relationship.

let her know that youre upset about it and if she continuos tio lie to you that you will have zero trust in her and that you will have to part and send her home to her parents, perhaps she can start school over again and learn that a persoon that lies is pretty much rotten to the core

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14y ago

ask 4 forgive ness


honestly, all she wants to know is if she can trust you again. figure out why you lied to her. dig deep to find out:

did you enjoy talking to her? did that enjoyment make you feel guilty? did you want to hide that guilt from her cause you were ashamed?

you may also want to ask yourself, "was it worth lying about?" i mean to say, was the conversation something you could share with your wife? if so, then why lie in the first place?

if you were flirting/cheating, then figure out if you really want the relationship with your wife. good luck!

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12y ago

i would have a talk with him to be absolutely sure and then i don't know what the hell to do.

Ask him and find out what is going on. If you feel he is lying to you, your intuition may be right.

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12y ago
  • When you catch your husband lying then try to get him to face up to it to you. Hopefully you have proof of his lying and if you do show it to him or, tell him where you got the information from. Even with proof if he tries to say he is not lying let him know that if he does not stop lying; mature and learn to communicate with you better that the marriage will not last.
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Q: What should you do if you caught your wife in a lie?
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id have to say that's a hard one, but what id do is let it go and hope that she wont do again if u catch her in another lie, tell someone close and ask for help but don't divorce her oh please don't especially if u have kids and if u do have kids get them to ask the wife to stop lying

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