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Find out which guy you like better and decide which one would treat you better. The one that you like should respect you and make you happy. If one, but not the other does that, then you should easily be able to decide. If it does, in fact, turn out that the guy you aren't currently dating is a better match than your boyfriend than you should kindly dump your boyfriend and slowly get in a relationship with the the new guy. If you like the new guy but your boyfriend would treat you better than I would stay in your current relationship because just because this new guy makes you 'feel good', doesn't mean you have to end a good relationship.

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Q: What should you do if you have a boyfriend but you like this other guy?
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Get them to fight each other.

What should you do when you have a boyfriend and you like him But there is this other guy that you have liked for a LONG time?

Go with your instincts, and trust common sense. If both of them are the kind you like, I would go with your boyfriend.

What if you like your boyfriend and another guy?

It depends on how mcuh your relationship is worth do you really like the guy your with or do you like the other guy

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It's sometimes confusing to like two people at the same time. If you don't want to hurt anyone, stay with your boyfriend. You are not committed to the other guy and he knows you have a boyfriend.

What should you do if you don't like my boyfriend anymore but you like this other guy who your close friends with that always seems to be interested in my friends?

Well, I would probably tell your current boyfriend that you dont think that it is working out and then hang out with the other guy alot and then make your move

What if the guy you like likes you but you have a boyfriend?

You are free to decide whom you prefer, your current boyfriend or this other guy whom you also like. But only have one boyfriend at a time, otherwise they can become jealous of each other.

I have this boyfriend but i like someone else more than him what should i do?

you should see how your relationship with your boyfriend is going, and see if the other guy is worth leaving your current boyfriend for him. and if you do decide to leave him do it on good terms. and then wait atleast 3 weeks to a month to move on , you dont wanna make the guy feel like a rebound.

Say you have a boyfriend in another state and you like another guy- if you go out with that other guy is that cheating on your boyfriend-We never really see each other?

not at all

If you like this guy and you have a boyfriend and the guy you like hits on you and eavesdropped on you talking abut breaking up with your boyfriend should you be going for him?

umm, why would you be going out with someone if you like someone else??

What do you say when a guy says what's a cute thing like you doing without a boyfriend?

when a guy says whats a cute thing like you doing without a boyfriend means that he wants to be your boyfriend or that you should get one

What do you do when there's a guy you like and he's mad at you because your dating some else and he just wants you to be with him?

Well, you have to make a choice then. You have to decide whether you really. reaaly like your boyfriend or the other guy more. If you like the other guy more, then maybe you should be with him. Hope i helped :)