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Allow it to fall off on its own.

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Q: What should you do if your nail almost comes off on your big toe but not all the way do to injury?
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Why Should I Choose Mica Powder with Nail Polish?

When it comes to nail art, mica powder is a great colorant for nail polishes or to finish a nail design. You can use it with gels, in nail

Why injury of breaking nail so painful?

Because the cells in the nail are dead so its more painful

How long does it take for a fingernail to come off after nailbed injury?

If a finger nail becomes loose due to an injury, then it should usually come off within 21 days if it's going to at all.

Where is nail polished bought?

Nail polish comes from people which work at stores which sell you nail polish

Which nail polish comes off faster and quicker?

Any nail polish of good brand comes off faster.

Why does a nail fall off?

A nail falls off because there has been an injury to the nail and the part of the finger below. This causes the blood flow and nerve endings to separate from the nail so it falls off.

What are the ingredents in nail polish?

The ingreadiants in Nail polish is almost the same as in a noqualer bomb

What is plicatured nail?

Plicatured Nail, also known as folded nail, is a type of highly curved nail plate, usually caused by injury to the matrix, but may be hereditary. This condition often leads to ingrown nails.

What should I do I do to help my old dog, her nail is twisted, and she will hurt me if I try to help her cause she's grouchy.?

I would recommend taking the dog to a vet and having the nail removed professionally. You don't want to risk injury to yourself or the dog.

What are the signs when cut by a rusty nail?

Unless you see the object that caused the injury, a person would not know if it was a nail, rusty nail, or some other object. That is why tetanus shots are given.

How often should horses get ther tetnuns vaccinations?

Yearly, with a booster as needed, such as in the case of an injury, like stepping on a nail, when a horse is at greater risk of contracting tetanus.

What can i do if my dog broke his nail and you could see the bone?

serious injury -- see a vet.