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I would suggest listening to your parents... I got engaged when I was 19, he was 20. It didn't work out all that well, my parents warned me that it wasn't a great idea. But... I thought "follow your heart, it won't lead you wrong" and that may be true, but if you just wait a little longer things will come full circle, allow yourselfs a little more time. There is no reason to rush. And plus the longer you wait, the bigger rock he can afford :

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Q: What should you do if your parents say wait a while before getting engaged if you are 20 and he is 21 years old?
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There are no rules for how long the two of you should date before becoming engaged, or be engaged before getting married. This is a very personal decision that can only be made by the couple.

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they should be engaged because to burn calories and fat also to prevent from getting breast cancer and other health problems

How long should two totally in love and emotionally and financially stable 45 year old persons date before getting engaged?

There's no set-number of dates. You become engaged when you both feel like doing it. Wouldn't it be silly to refuse to be engaged after 12 dates if your secret number is 18? Some people date for ten years before they decide to be engaged/married. Other people date twice and become engaged.

When is the right time to get engaged?

Well theres no actual "right" time to get engaged. But the catch is, you really don't want to do it too soon. Before getting engaged, make sure you have an actual serious relationship and that its not just all lust. If you truly feel like this person is THE one for you, then you should. It really depends on the relationship and the people in it. But when you do get engaged, make sure you're actually serious about it, don't say yes if you can't picture yourself getting married to this person.

Why do so many little kids watch only cartoons?

It's a diversion, and sometimes parents are not as engaged as they should be.

How do you tell your parents your engaged at 12 years old?

If you are 12 and feel like you are that serious in your relationship, you should sit down and have a conversation with your parents about the relationship. At 12, you are far too young to get married. Engaged means you are planning to get married in the near future. Since you cannot get married for at least 6 years, you cannot actually be engaged. Outside of that, at your age, you are not yet old enough or wise enough to understand and make the kind of commitment that is getting engaged. However, you should have a conversation about your relationship with your parents. They need to know what is going on, and can probably help figure out why you are looking to a boy/girlfriend for the kind of affection that a child your age should be getting from a parent. If your parents are abusive or neglectful you should talk to another trusted adult, such as a relative or a teacher, about what is going on in your life. You may be subconsciously attaching yourself to this person to fill a void that you feel from some other lacking relationship. Finally, you should take a step back and think about what is going on with this person. If this person is older than you, he/she is probably manipulating you and may even be abusing you, without you realizing it. If this person is an adult, sex with you is a crime. Even if they aren't an adult, you should not have sex with them. You will regret it.

Should you approve of your 17 year old daughter getting engaged?

Yes, if her and her boyfriend love each other and they are happy, then I see no reason why her parents shouldn't approve. If you don't think they will approve, then don't tell them. Keep it a secret and tell them when your 18.

How can i tell my boyfriend you want to get engaged?

The best way to tell your parents is to show them that you understand the importance of getting engaged. This means you should have a plan as to when you will be getting married, where you will live, how you will support yourselves, if you will continue school and what kind of jobs you both will have. If you can answer all these important questions and have a good plan for your future then you will show your parents that both of you are mature and responsible enough to get engaged.

Why won't my fiance tell his parents he's engaged?

It's possible your fiance's parents may not want him to get married and would rather he is settled into his education; career before thinking of marriage. Communication is the key in any good relationship and it's time for you to sit down with your fiance and tell him that together you are going to tell his parents you are engaged. If he refuses then he's immature and if over 18 he is no longer a minor and should be able to make his own decisions and if he does refuse then give him the engagement ring back.

Should your parents meet your friends parents before you go to their house?

only if the friend is opposite sex

Is it bad luck to try on wedding dresses before you're engaged?

NO. But you should wait so then you wont get fat.

I'm 52 and my girlfriend is 50. We have been dating for 4 months and living together for 3 months. How long should I wait before getting engaged?

Well, you both seem experienced by your age. Though you have only been dating for sometime, you should know if its the real thing or not. Also, its not like you guys are starting your lifes off like a younger couple. You should have your life in order getting ready for retirement. If you feel comfortable getting married then go for it, its a big commitment. You should both be able to discuss it before, bring it up see how she reacts.