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Q: What should you do in class when your teacher is talking whithout them finding out?
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When the teacher is talking to an adult why should you not talk?

you shouldn't talk when the teacher is talking to a adult because they are trying to make up stuff to the adult so they will talk to them and when you talk it makes them forget what they were going to say

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You should not try and get the guts to talk back to your teacher. Instead try talking to your teacher in a calm and respectful way and it will go better.

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So that it helps their students picture + understand what shes talking about

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You should first try to find a different printer that you can print your homework off of. If this is not possible, then you should try talking to your teacher. Maybe your teacher will allow you to do your homework by hand. If this is not possible, then try e-mailing your homework to your teacher if your teacher doesn't mind.

Why you should not talk in class?

because the teacher will yell at you More on why? The teacher is there to teach, you are there to learn. Unless your talking has to do with the lesson and is relevant to the discussion then what you are doing is disrupting the rest of the class.

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they should because if the teacher went out the room the president can watch the class and report people who were talking and if the teacher is absent the president will know where everything is to represent the students in school governments

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try talking to her first.

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If you have been talking to a guy but lately he has not been talking to you, then he is not into you as such and finding somebody who understands you would be better other than your ex.

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I would begin by talking to your doctors and see if they can do anything to help you. They would be the first step into finding medicaid.

What should you do if another tries to talk to your partner while the teacher is giving instructions?

Actions like that put you in a sticky situation. You are probably wondering whether you should tell the partner not to listen to the other person, tell the other person not to talk to your partner, or tell the teacher what is going on. It is likely that the teacher sees or hears what is going on. When the time comes to follow the instructions, the people who are talking will not know what to do, and it will be even more obvious who was paying attention and who wasn't. While the teacher is talking, your primary duty is to pay attention and get the information. When the teacher is finished talking, you might want to tell your partner that it was annoying that the other person tried to talk to him or her. Remind your partner that you can't do both his/her and your own work, so s/he should listen to the teacher and ask the other person to pay attention to the teacher. If your partner tells the other person to pay attention, that should be the end of it. If it happens again, tell the teacher.